Getting Rid Of Bulging Veins In Your Legs

Posted on: 10 July 2015

You don't have to put up with those bulging, bluish veins in your legs. There are various levels of treatment for varicose veins. You'll not only look better but you'll prevent future painful health conditions by getting them taken care of. Here is what these veins are doing to your health and how to get rid of them.

The Blood Stops Flowing in Varicose Veins

Tiny blood vessels in your legs become weak and tiny valves in them that direct blood flow stop working. This allows blood to pool in these veins, which stretches the veins even more. Eventually these blood vessels become the large twisted shapes that you see under your skin.

The Problem is Not Just Appearance

You will notice the large veins in your legs before you experience other symptoms. If you leave these veins untreated, you may have one or more of these symptoms later on:

  • swelling in your feet and ankles
  • itching or burning over the veins
  • fatigue and pain in your legs

If your varicose veins are large enough to restrict the blood flow in and out of your lower legs, you can experience:

  • swelling in your calves
  • pain in your calves when sitting for a long time
  • wounds that continue to bleed on your legs from an injury

Varicose Vein Treatment

Your doctor will recommend a number of non-invasive treatment options initially. If these fail to give you relief, varicose vein surgery is the next step. 

Some of the non-invasive treatment options that will be tried first include: 

  • using compression stockings
  • elevating your legs when sitting
  • limiting the time you sit, stand or lie down
  • exercises to increase the circulation in your legs

The surgical options available to you should the non-invasive approaches not work include:

  • Sclerotherapy - The veins are injected with a solution that causes the enlarged veins to constrict and the pooled blood to clot. Eventually, the veins close up completely and your body absorbs them.
  • Laser treatment - Your doctor uses a laser to create scar tissue in the varicose veins. This closes the vein and the body absorbs them.
  • Radiofrequency ablation - Radio waves are used instead of a laser to create scar tissue in the vein.
  • Vein stripping - Small varicose veins can be removed through incisions made over the start and end of the vein.
  • Phlebectomy - In a severe case with large varicose veins, surgery may be use to remove the vein in pieces from your leg.

Have your doctor evaluate your varicose veins, not just for cosmetic reasons, but to determine if you'll develop other health issues. Prevent future aches and pains by getting your veins treated at a professional facility, like Premier Surgical Associates.
