The Importance Of Fish To Your Heart

Posted on: 9 September 2015

When it comes to keeping heart problems at bay, fish can be one of the most important elements you can use. Even if you already have heart disease, fish can still be useful in avoiding heart events, such as heart attacks. Before increasing your fish intake for good heart health, here is what you need to know. 

Why Fish?

Fish contains a number of nutrients that are good for your overall health, but it is also contains omega-3 fatty acids. The fatty acids have been shown to help lower the risk of a person developing heart disease. In people with heart disease, the addition of omega-3 to their diet can help slow the progression of the condition.

What Does Omega-3 Do Exactly?

Omega-3 fatty acids work by reducing inflammation in your body. One of the reasons that you can develop heart disease is inflammation that has damaged your blood vessels. 

In addition to this, the fatty acids also work to lower blood pressure and triglycerides. High blood pressure and triglyceride levels have been linked to an increased risk in developing heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids also help to keep the chances of developing blood clots low. Blood clots can travel to your heart and cause you to have a heart attack or stroke. 

How Much Fish Do You Eat?

The benefits of fish can be realized by eating it at least twice a week. The American Heart Association recommends that you eat servings of 3.5 ounces or greater to get the amount needed. You can easily achieve the recommended amount by eating canned light tuna. Other fish you can try include catfish, salmon, and flounder. 

Do You Have to Eat Fish?

If you are not a fish eater, there are omega-3 supplements available to take. However, you should consult with your heart specialist before taking them. There are some risks associated with incorporating omega-3 supplements into your diet. For instance, one study found that the supplements could potentially increase your chances of developing an aggressive form of prostate cancer

As with any other type of supplement, there is a possibility of negative interaction between the omega-3 and prescription medication. Inform your heart specialist of any medications you are taking so that he or she can safely judge whether or not the supplements are right for you. 

Taking steps to improve your heart health is smart. However, you want to be sure you incorporate the right changes to your life. Talk to your heart specialist about other things you can do to improve your heart health.
