3 Benefits Of Teleneurology
Posted on: 2 August 2016
Teleneurology might sound like a made-up term, but in fact it's an important technology whose impact and benefits are increasingly clear. In short, teleneurology is the consultation of patients with neurological problems by doctors who aren't able to meet up in person. Using a telephone or -- far more commonly in recent years -- the internet, patients can receive advice and a basic evaluation by physicians or neurologists who are thousands of miles away. Though this might seem like an unconventional strategy, patients and doctors alike recognize how invaluable it can be. Below are just three of the benefits teleneurology offers patients.
Making Quality Healthcare Possible in Rural Areas
One of the major disadvantages of living in a rural area is that access to world-class doctors and healthcare facilities can be hundreds of miles away. The prospect of regular consultations becomes slim, and if moving isn't feasible, it can feel as though you or your loved one is doomed to receive sub-par or irregular care just because of where you happen to live. But teleneurology consultations can provide you the same quality of care that urban and suburban residents receive. With nothing more than a solid internet connection (or even just a reliable landline), you can have the peace of mind that you might not have without the same technology.
Correcting Misinformation
One of the downsides of the average patient having access to so much information online is that often they become convinced that the information they've read on a blog or other website is accurate, when in fact it goes against what experts in the field know to be true. With teleneurology, doctors can correct misinformation and lead patients or their families away from treatment options that may be useless (or worse).
Keeping Doctors Updated
Of course, the patient-doctor relationship goes both ways. Doctors need to be updated consistently to know how patients are reacting to new medication or treatment strategies. Because of teleneurology, doctors can note progress or regression in their patients and confirm or change their recommendations accordingly. Video teleconferences make this an even more valuable tool, as doctors can see physical symptoms that a patient or their loved one may have difficulty describing over the phone.
So if you feel like geography isn't on your side, consider teleneurology through a company like Telespecialists as way to gain access to great doctors who can give you quality information, and whom you can keep updated.