How To Prevent Blisters When You Wear New Sandals

Posted on: 26 August 2016

If you recently bought a new pair of sandals, you may get blisters. It isn't unusual for new sandals to cause foot blisters, because the shoes are still stiff. This doesn't mean you have to stop wearing sandals. All you have to do is take some preventative measures to keep enjoying them without pain. Here are some tips to prevent foot blisters from new sandals.

Apply a Barrier

Place an adhesive bandage across the heel, which is the part that sandals rub the most. This adds a protective layer between your heel and shoe. Add a bandage wherever the shoe rubs.You may need to trim bandages depending on the type of shoe.

Tack several small cotton balls under the strap on the heel with tape, or wherever the shoes rub. Avoid using too many cotton balls, or you may not be able to get the shoe on your foot.

Dab some glue on a small piece of fabric and push it in place where the shoe rubs. After your feet adjust, remove the fabric or bandages.

Stretch the Shoes Out

On days you are at home, wear a pair of socks around the house with your shoes for two or three days to help stretch the shoes. After you put on the socks and sandals, hold a hair dryer a short distance away from the shoe to help warm the shoe material. The shoe stretches better when you stand up while using the hair dryer.

If necessary, put on two pairs of socks. The socks will also help you find out which part of the foot is prone to rubbing. Go for short walks around the house, then take them off for awhile. Another way to stretch the shoes is by letting someone with bigger feet wear them for several days.

Use Talcum Powder and Deodorant

Sprinkle a small amount of talcum powder on blister-prone areas. The powder helps the shoes slide better over the foot and to prevent friction. Baby oil can be used in place of powder.

Rub some clear deodorant on the heel of the shoe. If you have leather sandals, rub liquid soap on the heel.

Add an Insole

It is wise to buy sandals with an arch support. If you already bought shoes without arch support, consider adding an insole. An insole adds a cushion. Purchase insoles that absorb moisture and that are designed for hard, flat sandals.

Don't let the thoughts of blisters stop your from going to the beach. Keep in mind that sandals aren't made for wearing for long time periods, but when you wear them, now you will know how to prevent blisters. If you already have blisters that won't heal, see a foot doctor, such as those found at Laurel Podiatry Associates, LLC.
