
  • Back Pain Blues: Guide To Overcome Back Pain Naturally

    You think you found the answer to back pain relief with over-the-counter medicine, but then you read the warning label. Do not fret, because there are natural ways to relieve back pain. You should be back to that 'old' you in no time with the help of your back specialist and the following guide. Join The Dark Side Believe it or not, chocolate contains powerful pain-killing properties. The cacao bean, especially the bark, contains anandamide.
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  • How An Oncology Social Worker Can Help You

    If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you are typically assigned to a medical team that helps you with treatment. This team includes a surgeon, nurse, nutritionist, and more. Included in this team is an oncology social worker. Here's how an oncology social worker will help you during treatment: Help You Keep Contact With Family and Friends: Often, when you are dealing with the treatment of cancer, you may begin to experience symptoms that cause you to withdraw from friends and family.
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  • Diabetics And Feet: Your Next Steps After Being Diagnosed

    So, your doctor just diagnosed you with diabetes. If you've never had a family member with diabetes, and have no idea what the future may hold, then it can be be very frightening. However, taking care of yourself doesn't have to be as hard as you think. When it comes to your feet, the problems that you may encounter are very similar to the problems that individuals that have not been diagnosed with diabetes have.
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  • What Your Weight Has To Do With Arthritis

    How much you weigh may increase your risk for arthritis. Although there are different types of arthritis -- a condition that causes joint inflammation -- an unhealthy weight may be a risk factor for the disease. While the underlying disease pathologies vary, inflammation plays a key role in arthritis. Besides the added stress excess weight puts on your joints, research suggests that too much body fat may contribute to inflammation even though the reasons aren't yet clear.
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  • Lauric Acid: Hidden Benefit In Coconut Oil

    Lauric acid is a medium chain triglyceride that makes up about half of all the fatty acids found in coconut oil.  It is a saturated fat, but don't let that scare you!  Saturated fats aren't always bad.  Lauric acid, and therefore coconut oil, can actually be very beneficial in many ways.  Lauric acid is actually found in human breast milk. Effects of Lauric Acid on the Body Since lauric acid is a medium chain triglyceride, your body metabolizes it differently than other types of triglycerides.
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  • It's Not You, It's Me: How Mental Disorders Affect Relationships, And How Individual Counseling Can Help

    Sometimes, couples therapy is not enough because there are very real psychological issues present in one or both partners. Thus, even though the mental illness might be one of the primary causes for relationship contention, couples therapy might not be the best venue to address and treat individual mental illnesses. If you are diagnosed with a mental disorder, you should consider adding individual psychological therapy to your relationship counseling regimen.
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  • Vaccinations And Herd Immunity

    The purpose of immunizations is to protect the recipient against a particular virus or bacteria.  They keep children and adults safe from many kinds of diseases.  The childhood immunization schedule recommended by the CDC includes vaccinations to protect against a large number of diseases, including chickenpox, diphtheria, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, pertussis, polio, rotavirus, rubella and tetanus.  These immunizations are recommended for young infants and should be continued throughout later life.
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  • How Physician Owned Hospitals Help Patients

    While the use of physician owned hospitals has been controversial since they first began, they hold many benefits for their patients. President Obama's new healthcare laws are making it difficult for these hospitals to grow, but they are still being ranked the top hospitals in the country. Opponents of these physician owned hospitals are concerned that the doctors are only concerned with the bottom line, but patients are saying otherwise.
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  • Alternative Options For Your Unborn Child

    It is estimated that approximately 49 percent of all pregnancies in America are unplanned. Of this number, 50 percent of women choose to have an abortion. This is possibly because abortion is seen as the quickest and easiest way to handle the unexpected problem of an unwanted and possibly traumatic pregnancy. However, having an abortion may not be as simple as it may appear, as it is reported that 95% of women are not given enough information at the clinics or doctors' offices where these are performed and more than 80 percent of women who have an abortion suffer from post-abortion issues.
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  • Proper Breastfeeding Techniques

    It is often said that if breastfeeding hurts, you are doing it wrong. Do not let this common saying discourage you. In the beginning, breastfeeding is uncomfortable or painful for most women with each baby they have. But, there are ways to reduce the pain and make breastfeeding enjoyable for mother and baby.  Proper Latch If your baby is not latching properly, this can lead to pain and sometimes sores or blisters on the nipple.
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