
  • How Can You Prevent Foot And Ankle Injuries While Running?

    Whether you're new to the world of running or have been increasing your distance for years, you may be cognizant of the effect healthy feet and ankles have on your performance. Nothing can derail your progress (and fitness) more quickly than strains or sprains that prevent you from running or walking without a noticeable limp. Read on to learn more about what you can do to protect your feet and ankles from strain or overuse injuries.
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  • Follow These Steps To Find A Face Wash That Works With Your Rosacea

    Does your rosacea act up every time you wash your face? Perhaps you experience a burning sensation, your face turns even brighter red, or you notice new pimples start to form. Every patient is different, so the face washing routine that works for your friend or sister may not be ideal for your skin. Following these steps will help you identify a face washing solution that works for you. Step 1: Pare down to the basics.
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  • What You Should Know about Stress Fractures

    A stress fracture is not usually an injury you get from instant trauma, but gradually over time. As an overuse injury, it is common among people who are athletes or who participate in cardio exercise frequently. Here is more information about this type of injury and what can be done about it. Do you have a stress fracture? The first thing you should know about this type of injury is how to identify it.
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  • Avoiding Painful Dry Socket Following Wisdom Teeth Removal

    If you're getting your wisdom teeth removed soon, you're likely being inundated with terrifying stories about the perils of dry socket. While dry socket certainly isn't the most painful thing that can happen to you, it's one of the most painful complications from a wisdom tooth extraction. Dry socket occurs when the blood clot that is meant to heal your gums following tooth removal becomes dislodged, exposing the internal nerves and bone to air.
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  • New Baby Coming? 2 Tips for Getting the Nursery Ready

    If you have a baby coming soon, you have likely been working on the nursery. Not only do you want it to look nice, but you also want it to be a safe place for your newborn. Below are two tips on getting your nursery ready so it is a comfortable place for your baby. Paint Choose a color of paint for the baby's room first. What you choose may depend on the gender of the baby.
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  • LASIK - Is It Right For You?

    One of the most important senses that a human being possess is their sense of sight. The loss of your sense of sight will mean a severe alteration of your lifestyle. While some forms of sight loss cannot be corrected currently, there are methods that can restore your visual capacity in many instances. One of those methods is known as LASIK surgery. What is LASIK Eye Surgery? The term LASIK is an acronym that stands for the term Laser-assisted in situ Keratomileusis.
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  • Fever Facts: 3 Signs Your Should Call A Pediatrician

    Caring for a young child can be stressful, and many parents find themselves wondering whether or not their child's illness is serious enough to need a pediatrician's assistance. Since young children are often unable to tell you just how sick they really are, it's up to you as a parent to determine if medical help is required. Fevers are common among young children, but sometimes a fever can be a sign of a more serious problem.
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  • Does Your Company Offer Massage Therapy? If Not, It Should

    Massage therapy has been around for a long time. It has lately been increasing in popularity and gaining acceptance and credibility in the health profession. If you do not know if your workplace offers in-house massages, find out. And if you find that it does not, try to persuade your office or company to offer it. The benefits are worth the effort, and here's why. Effects of Massage on Stress
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  • Back Pain Blues: Guide To Overcome Back Pain Naturally

    You think you found the answer to back pain relief with over-the-counter medicine, but then you read the warning label. Do not fret, because there are natural ways to relieve back pain. You should be back to that 'old' you in no time with the help of your back specialist and the following guide. Join The Dark Side Believe it or not, chocolate contains powerful pain-killing properties. The cacao bean, especially the bark, contains anandamide.
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  • How An Oncology Social Worker Can Help You

    If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you are typically assigned to a medical team that helps you with treatment. This team includes a surgeon, nurse, nutritionist, and more. Included in this team is an oncology social worker. Here's how an oncology social worker will help you during treatment: Help You Keep Contact With Family and Friends: Often, when you are dealing with the treatment of cancer, you may begin to experience symptoms that cause you to withdraw from friends and family.
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