
  • Surgeries That May Help Your Snoring Problem

    People often joke about snoring but it is no laughing matter when snoring disrupts your life. If you have a snoring problem, you may be sleepy during the day and you could develop health problems from the apnea that's often associated with it. There are numerous treatments for snoring, but sometimes the only thing that works is surgery. Surgery is generally the last resort, but it may be necessary to improve your quality of life.
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  • 3 Benefits Of Prolotherapy For Your Sports Injury

    If you have suffered a sports injury, you might be dealing with a lot of chronic pain. You might also be concerned about how your injury is going to affect your future, and you might be worried that you won't be able to play your favorite sports or otherwise resume the same activities that you might have done in the past. If you are looking for treatment options, consider talking to your doctor about prolotherapy, which involves multiple injections of various solutions into the affected area.
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  • Natural Ways to Combat Seasonal Allergies

    Seasonal allergies are a huge annoyance for a lot of people. Just when the weather starts to warm up and people are excited to go outside after a long winter, flying pollen tries to drive them indoors again. If you have watery, itchy eyes and an incessant need to sneeze during the spring months, you might be suffering from seasonal allergies. An allergist would be able to tell you exactly what's causing your symptoms, but whether it's grass or a particular type of pollen, these things are difficult to avoid when pollen is riding on the wind and everyone is mowing their lawn.
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  • Precautions To Ensure Your Handbag Doesn't Cause You Back Pain

    Do you know that carrying a handbag can lead to back pain? Your bag's weight, how you carry it, and how often you carry it can all contribute to poor posture and back pain. In an ideal world, you wouldn't have to carry heavy bags, but that might not be practical in the real world. Still, take the following precautions so that your bag doesn't cause you back pain: Switch It Up Between Your Elbows
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  • What Do You Need To Know About Pediatric Hypertension?

    When you think of hypertension, you probably think of it is as a health problem that adults worry about. The truth is that children can experience hypertension as well. In fact, the condition is often misdiagnosed as something else because it has been considered an adult problem. This does not take away from the severity of the problem. Hypertension can have fatal consequences. If you want to learn more about pediatric hypertension, this guide will help.
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  • Tips for Recovering Well After Cataract Laser Surgery

    If you are having cataract laser surgery soon and are concerned about a safe and comfortable recovery, then you are not alone. While it may make you feel uncomfortable having laser surgery on your eye, the good news is that you will be seeing clearly in as little as one or two days post-surgery. In order for your eye to heal well, please follow these time-tested tips: Tip: Don't Drive or Bend Over in the Hours After Your Cataract Surgery
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  • Acupressure: Tips To Make This Practice More Effective

    If you have been seeing a massage therapist or acupuncture practitioner for regular, chronic pain, the sessions may give you a lot of relief. However, you might be looking for something you can do at home when you're feeling uncomfortable. Acupressure, the practice of manually applying pressure to certain points on your body, can be a way to relieve pain and release endorphins into your body so you feel better. You can typically find online diagrams about which spots are best for your particular condition.
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  • Three Things Parents Need To Know About Blow Dryers And Lice

    The usual treatment for head lice is to carefully remove lice and nits with a fine-toothed comb, but for parents of curly-haired kids, using one of these combs can be difficult. If you're having trouble getting the comb through your child's hair, you may want to try a more curly-hair friendly method, like your blow dryer. Here are three things you need to know about getting rid of head lice with a blow dryer.
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  • 4 Tips For Reducing The Appearance Of Burn Scars

    Getting burned can be an extremely painful experience, no matter how minor the burns might be. Along with the pain, however, you might have other concerns as well, such as about whether or not you will have scars. Luckily, there are a few steps that you can take to help reduce the appearance of burn scars. 1. Seek Medical Treatment Immediately First of all, you should make sure that you seek medical treatment for any burns as quickly as possible after they happen.
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  • Surviving Mold Allergies

    If you are allergic to mold, your symptoms can be triggered by a number of items, including damp bathrooms, rainy weather, and outdoor spore levels. Instead of suffering from sinus congestion, sneezing, itchy, and a runny nose, you can take a variety of actions to manage your allergy. Reducing your exposure and using certain medications can make your mold sensitivity less of a problem. Mold Counts When the mold count is high, a 50,000 count per cubic meter of air, an air-quality warning will be issued.
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