It's Not You, It's Me: How Mental Disorders Affect Relationships, And How Individual Counseling Can Help

Posted on: 22 January 2015

Sometimes, couples therapy is not enough because there are very real psychological issues present in one or both partners. Thus, even though the mental illness might be one of the primary causes for relationship contention, couples therapy might not be the best venue to address and treat individual mental illnesses. If you are diagnosed with a mental disorder, you should consider adding individual psychological therapy to your relationship counseling regimen.
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Vaccinations And Herd Immunity

Posted on: 22 January 2015

The purpose of immunizations is to protect the recipient against a particular virus or bacteria.  They keep children and adults safe from many kinds of diseases.  The childhood immunization schedule recommended by the CDC includes vaccinations to protect against a large number of diseases, including chickenpox, diphtheria, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, pertussis, polio, rotavirus, rubella and tetanus.  These immunizations are recommended for young infants and should be continued throughout later life.
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How Physician Owned Hospitals Help Patients

Posted on: 16 January 2015

While the use of physician owned hospitals has been controversial since they first began, they hold many benefits for their patients. President Obama's new healthcare laws are making it difficult for these hospitals to grow, but they are still being ranked the top hospitals in the country. Opponents of these physician owned hospitals are concerned that the doctors are only concerned with the bottom line, but patients are saying otherwise.
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Make Dental Visits A Family Affair

Posted on: 14 January 2015

Most people will agree that going to a dentist like Joe Rosenberg, DDS is one of the most important things to do. Good dental care not only means that you'll more than likely keep a beautiful smile – it's also important for your overall health.  Consistent dental visits and at-home care can be important preventive measures so that later you won't have periodontal disease. In many cases, even root canals can be avoided.
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